combined edit
| combined edit
A combined edit is two distinct phases of editing. It includes an editorial assessment, full edit, and continued publishing consultation.
What you get:
The first step is an assessment of the manuscript. It will look like this. After you have had a chance to review and incorporate the assessment feedback according to a mutually agreeable timeline, we will begin a full edit. The full edit looks like this. The third and final step is to work together to move forward with the next steps for your manuscript. This usually includes tailored advice such as query letter review, and input on query strategy in the US or UK. I’m available to you via email throughout the entire process, as well as via phone/video to discuss editorial strategy and feedback at mutually agreeable check-in points.
Who this service is best for:
A combined edit is perfect for writers who know they’d like to invest long-term in their manuscript and are either in early drafts of the work, and therefore know they’ll need a more intensive process, or know they would work better in a longterm 1:1 coaching relationship.
Pricing & Scheduling:
Price is dependent on word count, draft version, publishing intention, and sample pages. Turnaround time is dependent on mutual availability, project length, and individual writers’ pace. Combined edits are generally completed over a three to twelve month time period.
What clients have said:
“Lauren was wonderful to work with. She was in regular communication with me and her messages were always professional and encouraging. Best of all, she had tremendous insight into my story. She identified scenes that didn’t work, told me why they didn’t work, and offered suggestions on how to fix them. She did all of this and sent me her comments before our agreed upon deadline.”